Living Stones Church - Crown Point
Growing People, Multiplying Leaders.

E33 Living in God's Economy

Week 1 - Supernatural Blessings

3 years ago

We are doing this series called "Supernatural Blessings" to remind us that in these unprecedented times of uncertainty, God wants us to be settled in His superabundant blessing. He is the God of more than enough! In Jesus's very first miracle of turning water into wine, He demonstrated to us that, in His Kingdom, our best days are always ahead of us and not in the distant past. So, as a church family, let us look forward to the future with great hope, faith, and expectation!

In today's teaching, we turn to one of the many amazing miracles Jesus performed for our edification - the Feeding of the Five Thousand. When we are faced with overwhelming odds, God is simply asking us to give Him all that we possess, so He can multiply it! And here is the ending (spoiler alert), there are plenty of leftovers! There's always enough for everyone in the Kingdom of God!

Scriptures: Luke 9

Living Stones started out in 1981 as a small group gathering designed to strengthen marriages and families and soon exploded into an ever-growing family of people who were hungry for more of God! We are now celebrating over thirty-five years of life-changing ministry in Northwest Indiana. For help, email us at [email protected].